What Situations Call for a Plumbing Permit?

The county where your home is located. The building and safety department is the location to check for plumbing permit needs. On their websites, most counties specify the permits they require.

You should be able to find the information you require by typing “plumbing permits San Diego” into a search engine. Plumbing is included in the list of trades for which permits are required. So, what plumbing requires a permit? Mostly for bigger jobs.

If the building and safety department’s permit requirements are unavailable online, you can call them or visit their office in person. When unsure whether the work you want to conduct needs a permit, it is a good idea to get in touch with them.


It is a good idea to double-check because the wording of the building code can occasionally be challenging to understand.


Although county laws vary, most will require a permit for substantial plumbing projects like those described below.

1. Re-pipes

A re-pipe is a major project because it involves replacing all of the water supply pipes in the house.


Re-piping typically needs to be done by a licensed plumber and calls for a permit.

2. Replacement of drain lines

A permit will almost always be needed for the huge project of replacing the drain pipes.


Due to the strict safety regulations that must be followed, any work involving sewer lines will likely need a permit.


3. Water heater installation

A county permit is typically needed to replace a water heater, regarded as a big plumbing project. There are safety guidelines for water heaters that must be followed.

4. Relocating the current plumbing to a new site

A remodel is deemed to have occurred whenever plumbing is relocated. A permit will be necessary, and the building code standards must be followed.

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