Best Highly Rated Residential Plumbing Repair Service


My Secrets of Getting Massive Traffic to my website? I will mention several factors, including writing content and using Google Maps, YouTube videos, and other Platforms like Quora, Pinterest etc. for which I have received over 270,000 views on plumbing repair.

Here is a link to my Quora posts. Check out my posts on Quora from a San Diego Plumber.

American Plumbing A Residential Plumbing Repair Company

American Plumbing Co. Check my videos on Youtube. This video has 42,000 views.

How to Unclog Your Bathtub Drain “FAST” In 3 Minutes – Drain Cleaning

Plumbing Company Uncovers Secrets For Driving Traffic

Post on Quora. Write Content, and every time you create a post or Video on your Niche, you can Syndicate it everywhere (Share It). SYNDICATE EVERYWHERE! (Social Media)


Yes, the same post or video you can Share. 


When you write Content make it Quality Content (Content where you can get 100s-1000s of views or more).


Learn How To Create Google Maps. I Have a Secret Software I use to Create 100s – 1,000s of Points on a Map. (This is Good for LOCAL SEARCH).


Create Videos in Your Niche “How To Videos.”Use TubeBuddy.

Trending Topic Videos.

Learn How To Use Keyword Tools.

Are Using High-Authority Relevant Backlinks Important???

Learn S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization).


Learn the WordPress Format.


Guest Posts. Learn How to do Guest Posts.




I will be Posting More about this Topic. How To Find  Guest Posts with Search Tools.


Learn Social Media.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.



Plumber Discovers Secret Quora Formula. Get 1,000s of Views

Quora is one of the Best Platforms to Drive Traffic.

The Important thing is to do this regularly.


This Applies to all the Techniques or strategies.


Whether it’s videos, Pins, or Questions, Doing this daily.


Posting Daily. Several times whether it’s Twitter or Facebook, Pinterest, or YouTube Videos. 


The best time to post on social media is 10:00 AM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
The best time to post on Facebook is 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The best time to post on Instagram is 11:00 AM on Wednesdays.
The best time to post on Twitter is 8:00 AM on Mondays and Thursdays.

The best Times to Post in the Evening are Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 – 11:00 P.M.  and 2:00 – 4:00 A.M.

For instance. I post in The Plumbing Facebook groups on Facebook.


I also will Post on Plumbing LinkedIn Groups.

I will Create and Upload Videos to YouTube Live

I will Create a Pin for Pinning on the Pinterest Platform or several pins.

(Use a Quality Software like Canva, or Design Wizrd) etc.

Anyways, back to Quora. There are several things first You Want to optimize your Profile on Quora (This also Applies. To the optimization of other Social profiles.)


Quora is a Question and Answer Platform. You go there and Answer Questions. 


You can also sign up for the Quora Ads. You can just pause the campaign otherwise you may be charged.


Once you sign up, then go to the Ads Manager by clicking on your profile, and it will populate.


Then click Create Campaign, Then you name your campaign. Then fill out the form I usually say 5.00 a day (But I do not finalize the AD! Otherwise, You can be Billed.)


Then click Next. Then you click on Questions and  Bulk Add.

Then you enter a Question or  Search Term.


Then a List will Populate How Many Views Per Week for different questions.

There have been that week? 

As I said, Then you enter a Question or  Search Term.

I might enter Plumber or Plumbing.

Then a List will Populate How Many Views Per Week. Are going to each question.

Ok, For instance, one of My Questions is:

How Do I Become a Plumber?

It is Question Number seven on the list. Anyways I have 10,000 views for that question.

Check Out My Link To The Question and  My Answer:

Plumbing Repair Service. Learns How To Do Google Maps.

Hey, Check Out My Google Maps. These are really good for Ranking Locally.

This is My Most Recent Google Map Created on august 28, 2021. Update: With 13,000 views.

This Google Map has 10,000 Views.

Shortcuts and Techniques For Driving Traffic to Your Website

Use “Keyword Tools” to see the Search Volume. Otherwise, you could spend months on a search term and never get traffic.

Learn To Use Quora, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr etc.. (Learn One At Time.)

Use Keyword Tools;

Keywords Everywhere cost only 10.00 a year.

More on These Later.



Plumber Uses Pinterest Platform

I also Like Posting Pin(s) on Pinterest. 

Pinterest is the 2nd largest search engine next to Google.


A Pinterest pin has three parts:

1. An image/picture.
2. A link to a website/blog
3. And a short description


Which You Always want to Include Your Keywords.

When You sign up to Pinterest Make sure you sign up as a Business account (It’s Free) The Reason is that this gives you Pinterest Analytics.


Inside your Pinterest account, go to settings and click convert to a business account.

This way, you can see WHAT is Working. And you can Create More Content and or Boards about that Topic that are the Same or Similar.


The Pinterest platform is different. IT IS MUCH EASIER TO RANK ON PINTEREST.

Well, when Compared to Google S.E.O. Because on Google it may take several months if that or more.

In That Here, You Can Use More keywords in The TITLE and The Description. 


And Another Caveat is that you will not have to pay for Ads. To get a lot of traffic fast. Well in a short time. Whereas on Google will take more time.


Well, unless you use a Press Release. But that is another story.

If You Want to Rank on Pinterest. You Have to follow Pinterest Guidelines.

Well in other words, Pinterest will Actually Rank You at The Top of the Search for your Given Keyword(s).

Another Factor for Ranking on Pinterest.  Which Is Like Google “Relevancy.” If Your Niche is say, Plumbing, you don’t necessarily want to be posting content about parachute jumping.

The Google Algorithm and the Pinterest Algorithm are Similar. Because I think they use “LSI” Latent Semantic or Similar keyword Search.

That is Why I say when using either Plumber or Plumbing they know that these are similar keywords.

Also Like, Google Pinterest Favors Fresh Content. Although Google will not Rank Your Fresh Content (New Content). Like Pinterest Will. Rank fresh content at the Top of the page for a search term well a lot faster than Google when you create it. Just so long as you follow their guidelines.


Anyways if you use the FREE Canva version should be fine at first.

Canva Pro I think it’s 13.00 or so. A month for using their Pro account. And you will also get access to Many pictures of Plumbers and plumbing. And other benefits.

Well, You Can Create Several Pins in Canva. When Creating Pins. 


They Say to go Viral. You should post about 15 to 25 pins a Day. That look really Nice and  Clean.

Creating beautiful click-worthy pins.

UNSPLASH.COM. This is one of many websites allowing you to download and copyright-free images.

Look at the pins that show up on your feed.


Usually, the 1st and 2 rows are the most popular. You will see pins with bright colors, clear descriptions, and big, bold text.

Create more fresh pins with more new personal content.


Pinterest interprets a pin as “new” if there is a unique image/video used, along with different graphics and text overlays. This means that you should always use material that offers a substantially different perspective or experience.


If you’ve written an awesome new blog post or want to advertise a great new product and a pin just isn’t enough, make sure to vary the look and feel of each subsequent pin in a big way:

For images, make sure to use different photos, either of different things, or at least different angles of the same thing, different backgrounds, crops, or perspectives.

For text overlays, use different colors, fonts, layout, graphics – the differences here shouldn’t be minor.

For videos, don’t make minor changes to one existing recording, but try to create new ones instead.
And new content doesn’t just mean fresh pins with new pics and text overlays, but new URLs too. Pinterest’s new algorithm will reward content creators that add new blog posts, products, etc. to their new pins.


Newer and more relevant pins will most likely show up in users’ feeds moving forward, while older pins will come up less often and only if they’re specifically relevant to a user’s interests.

Important: The THING is to not be looked on as Spam by Pinterest. 




DO NOT POST ALL of the 5 pins in One day.


If They Have The Same destination Url. This does not apply to if they have different Url Destinations. Only to the same Url destination.


Wait several days (I have waited 2-3 days) in between each image you are going to post on Pinterest with same URL. Otherwise, Pinterest could see this as Spam.


“Pinterest Best Practices”:

How many pins should I pin per day in 2021?


“Recommended safe Pinning strategies are around 6-15 Pins per day for good reach and engagement. Make sure you’re not pinning the same URL any more than once in a 24 hour period.”

Make sure to read the Pinterest Guidelines.


When You Follow their rules. You will get thousands or tens of thousands of views a month.


There is actually a software called Tailwind (Which is a software which I have heard is really good. I have to many software’s at this Time.) Tailwind also has Groups you can join so they will follow your content.


But I still use manual Pinning to Pinterest Because you can Actually Schedule your pins also on Pinterest. Although on Tailwind you are able to schedule weeks ahead and also join groups to share your content or pins.


Or you can use Pinterest boards. First I would say become pretty Good at Creating Pins or Content on Pinterest using The Free Canva Version and Then Maybe you can move up to a Scheduler like Tailwind.

When You Create Pins on Canva. You have to make sure that Pinterest sees them as different IMAGES. (Fresh Pins)


You can Do This By Creating a Pin or Several Pins at one time just by changing.


The IMAGE. And the content a little. When you Zoom in or out on the Canva Editor.


Not the actual size of the Image but rather only the zooming in and out in the Editor.


 Because the best Size is 1,000  x 1,500 Pixels. Since 80% of views will be on a Phone screen.


Also, Try to Keep the wording Short. If you put a lot of words, People will skip your pin. 

Because it will be to Difficult to read.

Imagine Trying to Read something on Your Phone. Also, try to see on your phone what works and doesn’t. The Best pins on Pinterest. Or Rather, The Ones That Stand OUT!


Pins with Bold Wording.

Different Methods for Keyword Research.

I also use Pinterest Search for using Keywords. This way I can Find What People are Searching for the Most On This Platform.

 The ones at the Top are The Ones that are Searching for More on the Pinterest Platform.

You can also use the Pinterest Ads Keyword search. Just don’t finish signing up. More later on Pinterest. I have to Create at least 5 Pins now. And Make them look really nice.

And also YouTube Secrets, And SEMRUSH, etc.  and other methods to Drive Thousands of Views to your Online Properties.


Also, Kindly SHARE THIS PAGE!!!

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